Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Quote of the moment:

Sometimes in our relentless effort to find the person we love, we fail to recognize and appreciate he people who love us. We miss out on so many beautiful things simply because we allow ourselves to be enslaved by our own selfish concerns.

Go for the man of deeds and not for the man of words, for you will find rewarding happiness, not with the man you love but with the man who loves you more.

The best lovers are those capable of loving from a distance far enough to allow the person to grow but ever too far to feel the love within your being.

To let go of someone doesn't mean you have to stop loving, it only means that you allow that person to find his own happiness without expecting him to come back. Letting go is not just setting the other person free, but is also setting yourself free from all the bitterness, hatred, and anger that you keep in your heart.

Do not let the bitterness take away your strength and weaken your faith, and never allow pain to dishearten you; but rather let yourself grow with wisdom in bearing it.

You may find peace in loving someone from a distance not expecting something in return. But be careful, for this can sustain life but can never give enough room for us to grow. We can all survive with just beautiful memories of the past, but real peace and happiness come only with open acceptance of what reality is today.

There comes a time in our lives when we chance upon someone so nice and beautiful and we just find ourselves so intensely attracted to that person. This feeling soon becomes a part of our everyday lives and eventually consumes our thoughts and actions. The sad part of it is when we begin to realize that this person feels nothing more for us than just a friendship.

We start our desperate attempt to get noticed and be closer, but in the end our efforts are still unrewarded and we end up being sorry for ourselves.

You don't have to forget someone you love. What you need to learn is how to accept the verdict of reality without being bitter or sorry for yourself. Believe me, you would be better off giving that dedication and love to someone more deserving.

Don't let your heart run your life, be sensible and let your mind speak for itself.

Listen not only to your feelings but to reason as well. Always remember that if you lose someone today, it means that someone better is coming tomorrow. If you lose love that doesn't mean you failed in love.

Cry if you have to, but make sure that tears wash away the hurt and the bitterness that the past has left with you. Let go of yesterday and love will find its way back to you. And when it does, pray that it may be the love that will stay and last a lifetime.

There are two ways to live your life:

One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though everything is a miracle.

There is no mistake so painful that love cannot forgive. no past so bitter that love cannot accept.

And no love so little that we cannot start all over with.

-Albert Einstein

Saturday, November 26, 2011

My current Youtube obsession

As many of you know by know I like to surf around youtube and recently I stumbled upon fashion vlogs and here's one of my favs.  ENJOY!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Early Thanksgiving!

Hey all, sorry about not blogging so much these days.  I've been occupied by surfing the internet and you know looking for a job still!  Well as you may know Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I'm sure you're scrambling to see what you will make this Thursday.  Well I'm here to save you!  Just kidding...but these interesting people on youtube are here to save you.

I'm sure all of us has had our fair share of searching youtube and to my surprise I found two interesting youtubers who make food videos for you all.  So this year you don't have to wonder how your auntie or cousin makes that hmong dish you can do it yourself!

Video #1: Anne Vang @ hmongfood
Video#2: Hmongdudecancook

Monday, November 7, 2011

Me and my love/hate relationship with my hometown.

So growing up in any city anyone can get bored and hate their hometown.  I know when I was growing up I always wish my hometown was bigger and always wanted to move to the TC.  In the end after I went to a much smaller town to attend a University (pop: 15,000) I realized how important and great my hometown was.  Not only was my hometown much bigger (pop: 65,000) it had more stores and a mall; my hometown I believe is a very historical hmong town.

So where might you say my hometown is?  It's no other than the city of Eau Claire, WI.  Many of you know where this city is, many have never herd of it.  Nevertheless I have realized that I have grown to respect and like this city.  It's quite refreshing that it's an hour and half away from the bustling twin city but close enough for a weekend getaway.  Eau Claire I think is quite centrally located in WI/MN where the majority of Hmong people live. So you might ask why I think it's quite historical?

Well Eau Claire is home of some of the earliest hmong events such as the 3rd city to host Hmong National Development other than the TC and Fresno.  Home of Hmong Civil Right activist Dr. Pobzeb Vang who worked closely with GVP and Lao Veterans of America. It's home of one of the first hmong elected official Joe Bee Xiong for city council.  Hometown of Pagnia Xiong the first Hmong Idol winner and winner of River Centre singing competition.  In addition the first Hmong women principal in the nation, Kaying Xiong at Locus Lane Elementary.  Also hometown of Nou Lee Hmong Pageant Organization(HPO) leader/founder.  These are just a few of the people I know that are from Eau Claire and I'm sure there's more people.  Overall I've realized how great my hometown is and the people who are from here.

So with this said, this upcoming weekend is our yearly Hmong New Year and it would be great if every could join us in this year!  I will be volunteering with the Talent Competition!  So I hope to see you soon!

HMAA Events page:



EC HNY: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=222784001103504
EC Talent Competition: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=108869175884519
EC night party: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=144270619005923&view=wall&notif_t=event_wall

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What to eat: Destiny Cafe

One random day my sister and I wanted to eat some Asian food and saw the HUGE Destiny flyer out side of Sunrise store, so we decided to go in.  Now a few years back, lets say almost 10 years ago I had eaten at this place.  At the time it was own by some other people; recently the place has been owned by one of the Destiny band member.  Since the new ownership the name changed and it has been one of the more popular restaurants.  

After our first time there last July we've been there several times (at least once a month).  The price isn't that expensive and food is great and huge portions too.  The cuisine is south-east asain and there's lots of bbq meats just like the new years and tournaments.  I would say some of my favorite dishes are the fawm kauv, bbq pork, pho' #9 and nam vam!  One of the funniest things is when you look at the menu each pho uses one of Destiny's song i.e. lub paj rose pho (btw, the waitress don't know the pho by the song name...we tried that lol).  So if you're in the TC area stop by one of the two locations.  You won't regret this place!

Article review:

Friday, November 4, 2011

Chrysanthemum Tea!

One of my favorite teas of all time.  The first time I had ever tried this tea was when I was in the Puket, Thailand.  We just has our very yummy meal of chicken basil stir friend with rice.  Right after we finished our yummy meal the server brought over the pot of tea.  I had no idea what kind of tea it was, but I liked tea so I was like what the hay!  So right when I took a sip I was like...OMG what is this!  So yummy...so I tried to ask what kind of tea it was.  After about ten mins of hand signs and borken  English it turn out it was chrysanthemum tea and specailty in the area.  So, every where I went after that in Thailand I tried to get chrysanthemum tea.  When I got back in the State I went to my local oriental store and found all the varieties of chrysanthemum tea.  So if you see some chrysanthemum tea next time...TRY IT!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

DSLR fun!

So a couple weeks ago I was bugging my brother about how fun it would be if I owed  a DSLR camera.  Well after many hours and days complaining he made a deal with me and bought me a DLSR camera!  So with this new toy I took a few photos on my weekend adventures:

(btw, they are raw images)

I hope you enjoy and I'm sure I'll be posting more soon!