Wednesday, September 21, 2011


If you've been overseas to any country that English is it's second language you will find these amazing messages with misused words and grammar.  I think some of the best typos and error are in menus that try to attract foreigners.  So let me tell you how we came upon this funny message.

So one night my friend and I wanted to go out to the bars and started walking around.  Soon enough we ended up in the bright lively neighborhood and thought it must be the bar area.  Little did we know where we actually ended up.  After we walked around we realized that the crowd was a much older not only in age but mostly men.  Then we realized that there was a bunch of girls standing in areas in dresses, like prom dresses.  Once we put two in two we realized that were in the "Red light district."  Seeing that we were foreigners we just walked around some more and entertained our selves with our new surrounds.  After a while we found a restaurant and had some amazing grilled BBQ and met some local students.  It was quite amazing to just mix and mingle with the locals.

Anyhow, before we found a place to eat we saw this funny sign right in front of a bar and I had to take a picture of it!  So enjoy!

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